Water Damage Restoration Services For Electronics Used to Operate Your Los Angeles Business
2/4/2018 (Permalink)
Team SERVPRO Helps Your Business to Quickly Recover After Damage
As many of you already know, water and electronics just do not respond to one another well. Whether you have experienced this problem first-hand by spilling coffee onto a laptop or having desktops ruined by water intrusions at your Los Angeles office, we can all agree that water is not so good for electronics.
Explaining how commercial water damage in Los Angeles can affect the electronics provided to employees in your office is somewhat complicated. There are several different ways water can damage your electronic devices; some reactions are instant while others take much longer to take effect.
Direct contact with any water can short-circuit a variety of devices. Since water conducts electricity, water can create new pathways, causing electricity to flow where it does not belong, leading to damage to your device along the way. When this happens, regardless of your desired outcome, restoration is nearly impossible, as restoration services required to repair the device usually cost more than replacement.
While SERVPRO technicians can dry exterior cases of electronics and relocate them to a dryer environment to help with their recovery, we also partner with a company that can do specialized restoration work on all of your electronics. A full inspection can help prevent corrosion, and other damages from setting in that could drastically reduce the life of your devices. Any electronics caught in a water incident requires the attention of a trained restoration expert to recover correctly.
SERVPRO gives you access to IICRC-industry certified professionals, advanced equipment, and vast resources 24-hours a day. Our entire team works hard to help you recover quickly, should a water incident occur on your property that affects the productivity of your employees. We use a variety of water extraction equipment, water detectors, and hygrometers to return water levels to normal on your property as quickly and efficiently as possible.
SERVPRO of Silver Lake / Echo Park works with fellow members of our local community to help keep businesses running, regardless of the size of the incident you currently face. Call for immediate help, today. (323) 255-1000
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